Submission Deadline: 8 July 2022 5pm (Midnight AEST)
Notification of accepted abstracts: 23rd/24th August
Please format your abstracts using these guidelines HERE
Please ensure if your abstract has been accepted, that it is formatted correctly according to the above BJJ guidelines and returned to Nikki Wright by 5pm NZT Friday 9th of September:
*For those with podium presentations, please ensure you come to load your presentations on Sunday the 30th of October between 9am and 5pm in Speaker Prep room 2 at Te Pae. An AV tech will be there with a laptop to help you.
General Guidelines:
*Please read the above guidelines and requirements before entering your submission. Any abstract submissions which do not adhere to the above requirements may be sent back or rejected by the abstracts committee.
By submitting an abstract the author/presenter automatically provides permission for it to be published by The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery, and to the NZOA and AOA websites.
Once completed, you should see a confirmation message in Survey Monkey. For any queries, please contact NZOA Conference & Events Manager, Nikki:
CPD points for NZOA Members: NZOA Members can claim 10 points per day of attendance.
CPD points for AOA Members: Mon - 6, Tues, 8, Weds - 4, Thurs 6 or 24 full 4 days.
Level 12, Ranchhod Tower
39 The Terrace
Wellington 6011
PO Box 5545
+64 (0)4 913 9899